Many business owners are unaware of the advantages OLP can provide for their business. Offline robot programming and simulation software uses 3D CAD models of the part to create toolpaths and robot trajectories. Once the robot program is created, optimized, and validated, the code is generated and uploaded to the robot controller.
One of the challenges with OLP is it can seem intimidating to users, who may have tried earlier versions and are unaware of how far the software has evolved and improved. The good news is OLP has evolved rapidly in the recent years, and it has become more user-friendly, powerful, and intuitive.
The OLP environment utilizes a 3D CAD model of the complete robot work cell such that the simulation environment matches the production environment. This gives users the opportunity to complete feasibility studies and for troubleshooting and problem solving to take place before the robot has been even installed. Programs can be created, and simulated in the OLP environment, ensuring that the robot arm will perform as required once it is installed. OLP is particularly helpful in ensuring the right size robot is selected allowing first time buyers rest assured they have the right robot for the job.
Because the OLP environment has a virtual copy of the robotic cell and the programming is done completely independently of the robot arm, manufacturers can start generating programs even while the system is being installed. This results in a “plug and play” installation expediting production. New programs can be created offline without interruption to the current program that is running. Whether integrating a new robot system, or redeploying an existing one to new tasks, OLP allows for greater return on investment, with little downtime and less unanticipated issues.
Whether a new installation or a redeployment, time is always an essential factor. By creating, adjusting and testing the programming in a virtual environment, when the robot is installed, it is ready to operate, saving days or weeks compared to a teach pendant.
With teach pendant programming, the robot must be in teach mode. OLP can upload the programming to a robot while it is operating, which means less manufacturing delays.
Whether faced with a safety concern due to robot configuration, or restricted access to the robot due to work from home protocols, OLP can be completed from a laptop in a safe location and uploaded to the robot without the need to access the teach pendant. In addition, OLP allows for pre-engineering of the robot cell, providing the ability to implement the entire work cell, with fencing, external axis, and other components to avoid delays at the time of installation.
OLP can program a robot for Part B, while it is completing the Part A run. As soon as Part A is complete, the Part B programming can be uploaded, and the task begins, without turning off the robot. OLP allows for quicker cycle times, allowing for a higher mix of jobs with faster transitions.
Few manufacturing operations ascribe to brand loyalty, operating only one brand of robot or other tools. For most, the robot that accomplishes the task at the best price is the one that is installed, which leads to a variety of robots that need to be programmed. True OLP software should be “robot agnostic”: it has the ability to communicate across many platforms. Even if you are redeploying an older robot, OLP will interface with it.
Adding a robot into your manufacturing operation is a significant capital investment. Robotmaster’s intuitive user interface allows the user to design and test various configurations in 3D simulation before the robot is installed. You can engineer, identify, and solve issues before the robot arrives.
The right OLP requires process knowledge, however, it does not require advanced programming or robotics expertise. OLP is built around the user and is designed to be a clean and elegant user experience. In addition, the ability to interface with various brands of robots, your programmers do not need to learn proprietary OEM interfaces for each OEM robot brand.
At Robotmaster, since 2001 we have been taking great pride in creating intuitive, easy to use Offline Robot Programming software with a team of professionals that understands manufacturing and design, kinematics, mathematics optimization, simulation and CAD/CAM. Hypertherm is 100% employee owned, with over 1800 associates.